Tips For Getting More People To Complete An E-mail Opt In Form

More People To Complete An E-mail Opt In FormAre you experiencing low conversion rates with relation to the amount of visitors that complete an e-mail opt in form? Then you need to take steps in order to increase your conversion rate as that could be significantly hurting your bottom line. There are a lot of tested methods for increasing your opt in rate and if you want to know what these are then read on:

Increase The Quality Of The Lead Magnet

The lead magnet is the thing that you are offering for their e-mail addresses and it might be that it is simply not attractive enough to even bother completing an e-mail opt in form. The squeeze page needs to indicate what they will get in return if they hand over their e-mail in great detail so that they are convinced they will get something of value. E Marketing Journal suggests the importance of a high quality lead magnet:

You need to show them that you truly want to create a relationship with them that’s worth their while to give you their email address. Make sure you give away something valuable. This will stack the odds of you getting their address in your favor.

Just because you are giving away the lead magnet for free doesn’t mean that it can be of an average quality. The lead magnet needs to be of a quality that is equivalent to that of your product because it will get them thinking they want more of the same and that will increase your conversion rates for you products, which is just as important as increasing your e-mail opt in rate.

Understand Your Audience

A big mistake that people often make is not understanding their audience adequately enough, and this is bad because you cannot target your advertisement for your lead magnet in an effective manner. Furthermore, the lead magnet might not be the thing that most people of your audience need, they might have another problem that is way more pressing and you can only know what by doing the proper market research. An expert from Campaigner suggests that knowing your audience is important:

When someone opts in, ask only a few questions, like company name, industry, or location. You can also include a survey in your emails to gauge interests. Understand where people are coming from so you can make adjustments in future communications or promotions.

One way that you can do market research is to ask your current e-mail list what they thought about the lead magnet, and what information they would have preferred instead.

Clean Up Your Website

Sometimes your opt-in rate can plummet when you have too much clutter on your webpages such as pictures, videos and other visual distractions. If the main thing that you want to achieve with your website is generate e-mail opt-ins then what you need to do is place your lead magnet advertisement and opt in form above the fold where visitors can clearly see them. Furthermore, the color scheme on your website needs to be one where the lead magnet can stand out instantly. Also, using arrows to point to your opt in form can give it the attention it needs to get that increase in conversions you are looking for.

If no matter how many changes you make to your website and you still cannot seem to get much of an increase in conversions then it might be that the traffic that you are going after isn’t ideal. Not all traffic converts well, for example, traffic that you get for guest posts on related authority websites tend to convert significantly better than from social media traffic.

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