Squeeze Page Mistakes You Must Avoid

Squeeze PageAre you trying to build a squeeze page that will convert well but you are scared to make some deadly mistakes that could potentially reduce your bottom line to nothing? Squeeze pages are an extremely important part of internet marketing that if you can get them right you will have much better conversion rates. Imagine the difference it would make to increase your conversion rate from 1 in 50 people to 1 in 20, or even 1 in 10. That equals to a lot more sales, and all it requires is the avoidance of making some big mistakes on your squeeze page. If you would like to know what these mistakes could be so that you can avoid them, read on.

Sign up Form Has Too Many Fields


There should only really be one field on an e-mail capture form, maybe two at the most, and that is the e-mail address and the name. No more information is required and if you ask for all sorts of info then the visitors may simply leave without completing the form when they would have if all they had to enter was their e-mail address.

Furthermore, if you end up needing more data then you can acquire this at a later date, as an expert from The Tyson Report explains:

I’d suggest that name and email is quite sufficient to begin with for most businesses – if you want to get further details, like postal address, you can always do this later. If you don’t need it, don’t ask!

The simpler and more visually attractive the e-mail capture form is, the more likely will people fill it out, and in turn that will increase your conversion ratio.

External Links

Having external links on your squeeze page is a very bad idea because you will lose some of the visitors through these links. The whole point of a squeeze page is to capture the e-mail of the visitor or get them to buy something right there and then. You can do some split testing to see how external links reduce your conversions. Such leaks should be identified and removed or minimized, as an expert from Site Pro News explains:

Your squeeze page has one purpose, to capture your visitors details. Therefore don’t go including a bunch of links to other pages on your squeeze page, that just gives them the option to leave without subscribing.

Not Bothering to Do Some Split Testing

One of the most important aspects of creating a great squeeze page is to do A/B type split testing. This is where you compare two squeeze pages that have one difference. For example, it could be the presence of an extra email capture form, or the positioning of the various elements is different. By making the effort to do some split testing you can actually get some big increases in your conversions which could result in a substantial increase to your bottom line. Once you do the testing for one squeeze page and find out what works and what doesn’t then you can use that layout for all of your other squeeze pages.

Weak Headline

The headline for your squeeze page is extremely important because it sets the tone for the whole page. If there is no urgency in your headline then the viewer will not get intrigued enough to take the contents of the page as seriously as when the title is bold. As an expert from Liza Shaw explains the title is so important you should consider hiring a copywriter to do it for you:

It is important for your title (also your headline) to actually capture folks’ curiosity. It isn’t easy to create headlines or titles. If you can afford the cost, you need to employ a professional copywriter to do the job for you.

The headline is another element that you need to do some split testing on, and once you do, you will see how powerful a headline can be, because by just changing that one element alone you can get a big increase in terms of conversions.

Using Standard Site Design

Most people use WordPress nowadays simply because it is easy to use and requires next to no coding ability to make cool looking websites. However, when setting up a squeeze page it is a bad idea to use your standard WordPress layout because there are far too many distractions and you can’t control what the viewer will look at first when they land on the page. Copy Blogger explains how the standard layouts are too congested to make good squeeze pages:

While your typical sidebar and header approach to a blog post is fine, when it comes down to traffic hitting a landing page with a singular focus on specific action, all of that extraneous stuff causes confusion, distraction, and reduced conversions.

There are many template squeeze pages out there that are even available for free if you know where to look. Some of the claims are that the squeeze pages you can get for free are as good as any out there, but even so you should still do a lot of testing to see what results you get for yourself.

Call to Action Is Missing

Some squeeze pages don’t actually have a clear enough call to action for the visitor to know what to do. When creating a squeeze page you have to be very specific about what it is that you want from the visitor; if possible take them step by step through the process that you have in place.

The call to action can be made in a variety of forms such as in a video, a paragraph of captivating words, or even by using graphics. The point is that the call to action must be enticing enough so that the viewer has no choice but to take you up on your offer and fill out the e-mail capture form. And from there you can market to them your products many times over until they finally buy, or decide to unsubscribe.

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