Make $250-$500 Per Day…! Each And Every Day…! Or Even Multiple Times Per Day…! And It Won’t Cost You A Penny…! C’Mon People – This Kind Of Sales Headline Really Does Make Us LOL…!

Update: Ty and Mike have added some new crazy fast action bonuses and you can see them all right here. If you are on the fence you’ve got to see this.
The Internet has brought so much opportunity for making an income. But it seems that not a day goes by without yet another product appearing that promises to show how anyone can easily make their millions online.
So when we came across the Six Figure Success Academy, by Ty Cohen and Mike Balmaceda, which promises to do just that, we were naturally extremely cynical. After all, anything that promises to show you, “The no risk way to generate up to $250-$500 multiple times a day”, – if you just send them a substantial amount of your hard earned cash, should definitely be a product to approach with caution.
If you’re thinking of signing up (and with their shiny, up beat advertising, why wouldn’t you?) then the old saying of, “buyer beware”, should be one that truly applies. Don’t send these guys a single red cent of your money until you’ve read our in-depth review. Because what we discovered might well change whether or not you really want to purchase it…
OR if you already have your mind made up, just click here to get this special deal on Six Figure Success Academy.
What do you get for your money with Six Figure Success Academy?
OK, so in short, what the Six Figure Success Academy is, is a video training program that shows anyone – even those with no online marketing experience whatsoever, how to create an easy cash generating system via the Internet. It leads you through an easy to follow the system in which to create webinars that sell – and that sell pretty much anything you care to think of.
This could be your own product, or that of other peoples’ as an affiliate. The product follows a specific strategy of learning how to sell via webinars, and then putting it into practice following a unique, specific formula.
- Step 1: Find someone who has an online course, of which there are millions. The very aspect of this means that the course is already created, so you don’t need to spend a single second (or penny) creating your product.
- Step 2: Help them sell more of their course, using the Six Figure Success Academy unique template.
- Step 3: Put the course in front of the people who already want it, with their wallets out and ready to buy.
The whole idea behind Six Figure Success Academy is that you are selling multiple products (all belonging to other people), and making multiple amounts, each and every day…! And to do this, you need to make the process as quick as possible, with the least amount of work needed.
You do this by following the simple to follow the course that you’re buying into when you sign up to the Six Figure Success Academy.
It takes around 6 weeks to complete. Each week you learn via video and can study at times to suit you. The videos are short, typically under 10 minutes apiece, and there are about 50 of them in total. The course breaks down like this:
Week 1: A Crash Webinar Course: Discover everything you need to know about video marketing. But not only that, you become totally aware of the techniques that work (and those that don’t!).
Week 2: Create Your Avatar: Your ‘front man’ if you like… It’s the way you communicate with your potential customers.
Week 3: Is All About The Money: Now the important stuff… The monetization process.
Week 4: Software & Hardware: Exactly as it sounds, how to set up your video software, and the types of hardware to choose from
Week 5: Generate Your Dollars: You can now start to put it all into practice. And, most vitally, see your first profits begin to roll in.
Week 6: Optimize and Scale: Discover how to fine-tune your products. In other words, how to choose where you spend your most time and money (especially if you end up moving into utilizing paid advertising).
There are loads of other bonuses that come with the Six Figure Success Academy course, including templates and formats – far too many to detail in this short review yet you can see everything you get on their special recap page here.
Who is 6 Figure Success Academy for?
To be honest, the target market for Six-Figure Success Academy is really the novice or beginner Internet marketer. Someone who maybe hasn’t had their break yet online and looking to leverage a proven strategy that is easy to get started with.
It will really appeal to those who have little to no experience in the field of online marketing.
However… If you’ve been trying for a while to increase your online income, but to no avail, then the program really could suit you down to the ground. And thanks to the course being presented in bite-sized pieces, it’s easy to follow even if you’re really time constrained (or have a full-time job).
It doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you’re male or female, where you live (folks all over the world are doing this), what you know about marketing (or don’t know). It also doesn’t matter whether or not you have your own product or not, as it shows you an amazing amount of fool-proof methods of identifying big paying opportunities.
>> Ready To Give Six Figure Success Academy A Try? Click Here Now <<
Who the heck are Ty Cohen and Mike Balmaceda?
So these guys really are shooting stars when it comes to Internet marketing.
OK, they only founded the 6 Figure Success Academy program in June 2018. But they getting rave reviews.
And well they should, because when it comes to making money online, they sure do know their stuff…!
Mike’s story is probably one that’s familiar to many. Let’s review Mike Balmaceda story to get some more perspective. He worked in IT, but hated it.

Mike Balmaceda
All he wanted to do was become an online entrepreneur. And you don’t cut your teeth in this field without working out what works and what doesn’t.
And Mike really is at the top of his game right now after priming himself with Instaclient Academy. Ty Cohen the internet marketer not to be confused with the comedian or baseball player, on the other hand, trod the corporate bandwagon for nearly a decade.
Once again, it was through trial and error that he discovered the very real way to make proven money online. Over time he’s continued to grow his business and now even makes a lot of videos on his YouTube channel and posts occasionally on his business Ty Cohen Facebook page here.
In a nutshell, both the guys live, dream, and breathe online marketing. And it’s this passion that they bring to you through the Six Figure Success Academy.
You can feel it in the webinar presentation they run for the program here and if you join their training program you’ll see it inside the members area even though their FB page seems to be quiet.
The Pros and Cons of Six Figure Success Academy
The Pros
- This is a completely no-risk method of marketing.
- People WANT to partner with you because you’re also making them a ton of money that they weren’t making before.
- Uses the most proven method of successful marketing – a virtual presentation. Shows you the most effective (and easy) way to create a knock-em-dead sales platform that works time and time again.
- Six Figure Success Academy will have you drawing income from multiple streams. Therefore you’re never reliant on a single customer base for your on-going profits.
The Cons
- OK, so the biggest ‘con’, has to be that whatever that advertising promotes, you’re NOT going to be making your millions within the first few weeks. As with any business, Internet marketing takes time to build up. You need to optimize and hone both your own skills and your products. But Six Figure Success Academy shows you just how to do this, thanks to the multitude of Intel it provides. In addition to all the videos, checklists, templates, and instruction, you also get some top-notch hands on support and mentoring to help you achieve success.
The Bottom Line
Well, we have to say, in a crowded market, the Six Figure Success Academy training program certainly stands out. We love the video training, plus the ongoing support they offer. And if you’re gonna learn from anyone, then make sure it’s from guys such as Ty and Mike are truly at the top of their game.
In addition, you don’t even need to take our word for how good the Six Figure Success Academy is. Because the guys are so confident in their product, that if you don’t make AT LEAST 100% of your purchase price back in the first 30 days, they’ll give you 2 times your money back… And that is putting your money where you’re mouth is, wouldn’t you agree…?
On top of that you can get some really exclusive bonuses right now when you take action and join at the link below.
>> Click Here Now to Get The Six Figure Success Academy At The Best Deal Available <<
Want more information before you invest in this program by Mike Balmaceda and Ty Cohen?
Check out their webinar training class here <==

Frequently Asked Questions
Does Six Figure Success Academy come with a money back guarantee?
Yes, Ty Cohen and Mike Balmaceda are so confident in their training program that they offer a full 30-day money back guarantee with your purchase.
That means you can literally test-drive the program risk free for 30 full days and make sure it’s a good fit for you.
Do I get any bonuses with my purchase of the 6-figure success academy program?
Yes! When you invest in the SFSA today you are going to get several bonuses to add even more value to your purchase. At the time of writing this you were going to get 6 HUGE bonuses including:
[+] Bonus #1: The 8 Hottest & Most Profitable Niches to Start in Today
[+] Bonus #2: The 24 Hour “Bob” Fast Start Package (2 Sentence Email & Sources)
[+] Bonus #3: Instant Webinar Success Package: Beginner Shortcut & Automated Setup
[+] Fast Action Bonus #1: $10M+ Easy Webinar Creator: Exact Software That Made $10M++
[+] Fast Action Bonus #2: 10 Days to Six Figure Success: Daily Cheat Sheet
[+] Fast Action Bonus #3: $10k in 90 Minutes+: Over-The-Shoulder Case Studies
Now I heard that Mike & Ty were doing something crazy and stacking on even more fast action bonuses for some of the next action takers so I’d recommend checking out the full recap page here.
Are other people having success using this program by Mike & Ty or do they have customer testimonials?
That’s a great question. Whenever you’re looking at investing in a training program like this it’s important to know that the product works. From what we’ve found there are many people utilizing the six figure success academy program successfully.
Now, of course, their success doesn’t guarantee your success and your results will vary based on the effort you put in but it’s a great sign that others are seeing results. Here are 3 of our favorites from Kayleigh, J.T, and George…
What is the price of Six Figure Success Academy?
The retail price of Ty and Mike’s program is $3,997, however, for a very limited time they are offering a huge discount on the price/cost of their program. Currently, six figure success academy costs only $997 (a $3,000 discount) or you can get started on a 2 part payment plan of $549 today.
Secure the biggest price discount available here.
Where is the Six Figure Success Academy Login?
If you are already a member of the program you can login on the dedicated members site.
Here’s the direct link:
If you need help with your member login details simply reach out to the support team there and they’ll get you started.
They also have a forgot your password process to help you.
How do I get the Six Figure Success Academy discount & bonuses?
To get your 6 figure success academy bonuses and $3000 special discount you need to secure your spot on their official site here.
After checking online this is where you get the absolute biggest discount and the most bonuses.

Does Six Figure Success Academy come with any software tools to use?
One of the things I love about this program is that it takes one of the biggest hurdles to having success and makes it dead simple with their software, Easy Webinar Creator.
This software makes it incredibly easy to actually create a webinar and get started following a step by step system.