Project Wealth Review: The Truth Of Amish Shah’s Program

“This is never going to work out!” That is just one sentence that could ruin your chances of receiving all the wealth you want. How? Because your words are powerful and have a huge influence over your life. This is not pseudoscience. It is a proven fact that the wayProject Wealth Review you talk to yourself can change your life.

We all know about positive affirmations and many of us are beginning to learn the power of words. Moreover, many of us are using these techniques to improve our lives. But, there is a new program that goes beyond positive affirmations and words.

Project Wealth is a program that says it can affect your prosperity levels through something beyond affirmations and words. And, the program shows you how you can fix yourself and overcome any obstacle that is currently holding you back from getting the life you want. Sounds too promising? Well, let’s talk about how Project Wealth does this and whether or not it can really benefit your financial future.

What Do You Get With Project Wealth?


The prosperity formula is the central focus of this program. It will reprogram you to achieve the success you desire and the life you really want. However, Project Wealth is based around using sounds and symbols to affect your body and life in a positive way.

You will learn things that you have probably never heard of before, such as:

  • How sounds affect your life, and how you can make sounds work for you.
  • Why visual symbols can influence your brain waves and help you to be financially wealthy.
  • How to combine those sounds and symbols to affect your life positively and experience prosperity.
  • Breathing techniques to evoke your visual and auditory senses at the same time.
  • Much more.

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It is essentially a 4-step process to rewire your prosperity DNA for life-changing results.

Step 1: Watch videos to help you build a foundation of working with sounds and symbols. You will learn many things about your consciousness that affects where your life is at right now, and you will understand why some people become successful – even if they don’t understand it fully.

Step 2: This step is all about using sounds to your advantage. It contains lessons, exercises and tools that will help you reach prosperity. There are also binaural beat audios to help you get into the right state of mind that supports creativity and intuition.

Step 3: This step is all about using symbols to your advantage. You will come away with an understanding of how symbols affect you and how they can reprogram your prosperity DNA.

Step 4: This step will teach you to combine sounds and symbols and maximize your benefits from them.

As of this Project Wealth review, there was also a bonus available when you order the program. It is called Beyond Sounds & Symbols, and it helps you to add more tools to help you boost your prosperity and find success. These are tools that have helped the creator and his students find more prosperity.

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Who Is Project Wealth For?

You may think that this sounds like a spiritual concept, and that may cause you to avoid checking out this program because you are not someone who sits and meditates daily on sounds and symbols. You need to know that this is not only going to work for religious or spiritual people. It is not faith based, it is science based. It is a tool that will help you get the life you want, and it will work for anyone, regardless of their beliefs.

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Who Created The Project Wealth?

Amish ShahAmish Shah is a well-known entrepreneur. His main goal in life is to find the answers that propels his life upwards in amazing ways and then share those answers with you. You can sense the passion and honesty he has through his words. This guy is not out to harm anyone in any way.

Why should you listen to Amish? He made his first million at the young age of 25, and he knows that success does not equal happiness. Having suffered from depression at the age of 31, despite having so many material things, he has aligned himself with a noble purpose of being successful while giving back, and that is why you should listen to him.

The Pros and Cons of Project Wealth

The Pros

  • This does not include familiar concepts for financial building or attracting the life you want.
  • Learn how sounds and symbols influence your life and add a new element to your personal growth.
  • No negative side effects. You are working with natural methods to help yourself overcome obstacles and reach your goals.
  • If self-help tools are not working for you, then this is something that may surpass everything you have experienced and give you results.
  • Result of years of research and use.
  • Easy to implement.
  • This is a digital program, which means no shipping and no waiting to start.
  • Comes with a 60-day money back guarantee.

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The Cons

  • If you get the program and don’t implement the techniques you learn, then nothing will change.

The Bottom Line

We all know that the law of attraction is supposed to bring us what we focus on most. However, Project Wealth helps us to align Money Back Guaranteeourselves, through symbols and sounds, on a deeper level than ever before for creating our most prosperous life.

Many people who have used this program swear that they had more business opportunities, insights, and success than ever before, and that should be exciting for anyone, especially someone who has tried everything but seen very little success.

Project Wealth goes beyond the ‘normal’ techniques and teaches you about sounds and symbols. This is an uncharted territory for most people, which is exactly why it has the potential to create a different life.

Yes, you can look at the science behind the techniques. However, unless you try it, you cannot say whether it works or not. That’s why I highly recommend you give it a try. You are going beyond your subconscious level and reaching even deeper on an internal level to help you attract the life you want.

The bottom line is that if it doesn’t work for you, then you get all your money back within 60 days. There really is no loss here. Even if you don’t attract more prosperity into your life (which Amish fully believes you will), you can walk away with some extra knowledge about sounds and symbols, as well as a few extra techniques for beating stress, calming your mind, and focusing better. And that is absolutely worth the time and effort for your business and personal health as well.

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