Traffic…! It’s A Constant Quest For Any Online Marketer… Not Only Are You Striving To Stand Out Against An Ever-Growing Bank Of Competitors, But Then Google Go And Change The Goalposts…! But While There’s No End Of Tools & Training Out There That Promise To Be Able To Change Your Efforts For The Better, Not Many Actually Deliver. In Fact, Most Are Outdated, Expensive, Or Simply Plain Useless…
… So when we came across PPV Sumo, you’ll excuse us for assuming that it falls into one of these three categories. But hey! We all know what ‘assuming’ does…
So we knew we had to find out more.
After all, Gauher Chaudhry (its creator) certainly knows his stuff. So it would be plain wrong to dismiss it without giving it a chance to impress (or not, as the case may be…).
Cue an in-depth dive into all that PPV Sumo has to offer. And when we do that, we certainly don’t leave any stone unturned. If you’ve been tempted by the smooth advertising spiel and promise of 100x more traffic than you’re used to, then boy-oh-boy do you need to read what we found out about this intent based traffic program.
What do you get for your money?
PPV Sumo is a two-part product—the educational portion, and then the tracking software.
So let’s look at each more closely.
First, the learning…
- The lowdown on PPV: Think you know what PPV is all about? (That’s Pay Per View, just in case you were wondering). Then the very beginning of the course is highly likely to change your perspective. Because this is no ordinary pop-up traffic. Discover how you can laser target where you want your ads displayed—and for as little as $0.002 per impression…
Free Training on How Gauher Generated over 142,000 Leads Using PPV
- Discover where to target: One of the most important lessons is learning the fastest ways to find websites you want to target for the ultimate in traffic gaining results
- Hone your perfect strategy: Because there’s not a single way of approaching this, and it’s certainly not a “one size fits all”, not by any stretch. Once you get these powerful options clear in your head, you can begin to determine how to best leverage PPV for your different campaign and marketing needs.
- Live traffic event recordings: In addition, you also get the recording of Chaudhry’s latest sold-out event, where those lucky few got to hear all about the incredible power, not just of PPV, but PPV done right…!
- The PPV Sumo member’s only website: Where you can access the complete course, extra training as and when it’s uploaded, and keep on top of all the new knowledge and aspects as and when they come to light (Because, let’s face it, online marketing is a dynamic subject, with things changing at a fast moving pace that for many are impossible to keep up with.
And then there’s PPV Dominator…
An incredible proprietary piece of software specifically created to keep track of all of your PPV campaigns. Simple to use, it offers an incredible array of features, including the following:
- Allows you to run your entire PPV business from a single dashboard
- Test various offers quickly and cost-effectively
- Has an advanced rotator to allow for fast determination of profitable targets and campaigns with various split tests
- Change PPV campaigns on the fly
- Easily adjust weighting with the built-in split rotator and conversion tracker
- This tool alone could be worth the entire investment into Gauher’s PPV Sumo program for the right person.
Not sure if PPV is the right type of advertising for you? Check out this limited time training class to learn how it could be the traffic source you’ve always needed.
And loads more. Far too much for us to include in this short review.
And who is Gauher Chaudhry, exactly…?
Well… If anyone was going to bring a decent PPV education program and software tool to market then Chaudhry was gonna be the guy.
He’s been in the online marketing game for the last two decades—pretty much since such it even became a thing…! And, most importantly, he is the actual creator of PPV and is truly the godfather of everything to do with paid traffic.
Hundreds of thousands hang on to his every word when he speaks at international seminars… And he’s reached maybe millions with his online products. And a lucky few pay handsomely for to take advantage of his bespoke consulting services. When it comes to PPV and how to truly increase your traffic, the man’s pure genius…
You can learn more about Gauher on his training class here.
Who is it for?
Well, that’s simple… Do you want more traffic…? (Stupid question, we know, because who doesn’t?) Are you finding it difficult (impossible!) to get PPV derived traffic at a cost that’s not going to break the bank?
Do you want to truly make your targeted marketing campaigns generate the traffic necessary to make thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars…?
Then you need the Intel that PPV Sumo brings. Not to mention a decent tracking system to boot…
And this works, no matter what stage you’re at in your online marketing career. Perhaps you have a single fledgling website? Or maybe multiple of the little darlings, no doubt with some performing better than others. It matters not. Because you all have one thing in common… You need decent traffic. And PPV Sumo will show you exactly how to get it, and get it for just pennies… Period…!
Check it Out Here While You Still Can
Ready to get started? Here’s the direct order link
Now you may also be wondering if PPV Sumo and PPV traffic in general is right for your business. Gauher believes if you fit any of these models it’s a traffic source you should be using:
- Affiliate Marketers
- Media Buyers
- Dropshipping eCommerce Sellers
- Bloggers
- Physical Product Sellers (Private Label)
- Amazon Sellers
- Agency Owners
- Information Marketers
If you fit these criteria and you’re still wondering if PPV traffic is a good fit for you I recommend you check out his free PDF report here.

The pros:
- Get PPV right and it can be incredibly cheap and cost-effective (heck Gauher has generated over 142,000 leads while earning $100k+ in sales this year alone)
- Truly gets you to grips with the RIGHT kind of PPV (in other words, that which actually works!) and how to utilize it to bring traffic pouring into your website/s
- Can genuinely change the fortune of your marketing efforts, and with very little effort on your behalf
- The PPV Dominator is one of the most sought after tracking programs around today, not only because of its uber-powerful features but also because it’s so damn easy to use…!
Click Here to Get PPV Sumo Now
The cons:
- Well, there’s only a small, finite amount of places on PPV Sumo at the knockdown price it’s currently being offered at. Miss out now, and if it ever gets offered again, then it’s gonna be at a far higher price…
- Go here to secure your discount on PPV Sumo.
The bottom line
D’you know…? We’re impressed… Super impressed. PPV Sumo is stand out sooooo much better than any product of this type that we’ve ever had the pleasure to review. And we love the fact that it’s not just a product for the here and now.
Because you get lifetime access, not to mention Gauher Chaudhry gives regular upgrades to the course and software as the world of PPV evolves.
Oh, and it comes with an iron-clad, 30 day, 100% money back guarantee. So you don’t even need to take our word for how great it is… All you need do is try out PPV Sumo at absolutely no risk—and see the traffic (AKA profits!) start rolling in…