How To Make Money With Kindle Books

Kindle BooksAre you an experienced writer and are interested in making some money by creating your own kindle books? Then you will need to also have a marketing plan that will get you some much needed exposure and a flood of sales. The popularity of kindle also means that there are a lot of competitors, but if you create a unique series of books, then you shouldn’t have any problems finding some success.

Stick to Your Passion


When picking a subject for your kindle book you must do so with careful consideration. If you choose a subject only because you see a gap in the market then it could be a problem as you struggle to come up with engaging content. The best methodology for picking a topic to write about is to think about what you are passionate about and then write a book on that subject that has not yet been written. You need to carefully analyze the kindle inventory to see what others have written and how successful they have been. This will be an indication about the viability of the niche in which you are planning to write.

The Cheap Price Point

It is common for kindle books to sell for 99 cent and that is not a bad thing. It entices people to give you a try because the investment is small. A writer from The Creative Penn explains:

Provide brilliant value and it enables people to give you a try. When famous authors sell at $9.95 and my books are at 99 cents, I no longer have to prove my books are as good as theirs. They have to prove their books are ten times better than mine!

If you are just getting into writing for money then it might be less stressful writing a book that is only going to sell for 99 cents, as opposed to writing with the aim of getting it published. Starting out small is a good idea, and as you build up your confidence you can explore other avenues.

Do a Series of Books

A great strategy that takes care of the marketing side of things is to do a series of books. After people read the first one they will be waiting for the second one; this means you will get repeat buyers and as a result you will to not have to market your second book as hard in order to get a decent amount of sales. Doing a series of books is also quicker than say writing the same number of unrelated books, simply because when you do the research for the first book, there will be material and ideas that you can use for the second book. A lot of the time when you finish your first book you should already have a wealth of ideas for the second.

It Is Possible to Make a Living?

Writing kindle books is actually a viable way to make a living, and a good one too if you stick with it. After you write a book it will pay off for many years, you shouldn’t just look at the sales of the initial month after release. It might be that you write 4 books and don’t get noticed by the buyers in your niche, then after your fifth book you get noticed and the buyers backtrack to see what you have written before. It is therefore important to release books as often as you can to get a big enough portfolio to get noticed. Some people are making a good living from kindle books, as a writer from the Galley Cat reports:

I’m currently selling 180 eBooks a day on Kindle. My eBooks are also available on Nook and iPad through Smashwords, but I don’t have those sales figures yet.

You just need to stick with it when you start out and you too can reach such rewarding sales figures.

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