3 Day Life Makeover Review – Is T Harv Eker’s Program Good?

So Now, Apparently, You Can Make All Your Dreams Come True, Simply By Following This Easy Three Day Course… Have You Ever Heard Anything So Ridiculous In Your Life…?

3 day life makeover review…Because, well – people… C’mon…! How on earth can an online course bring you the happiness, job, money, relationships (and more) that we all so desperately want in life…?

OK, so suffice to say that we’re mighty cynical about the 3 Day Life Makeover. And, if you’re reading this, you may well be too… However, the one saving grace is the brains behind the program – T. Harv Eker. Because this guy is certainly a big gun in the field of life coaching, with over 1.5 million people around the world who’re singing his praises from the rooftops.

Of course, the only way we could find out the real truth about the 3 Day Life Makeover was to dive right in. And if you’re considering a purchase, then boy-oh-boy are you gonna be interested in what we discovered. Because we’ll tell you here and now, it may well be the complete opposite to what you were expecting…OR if you already have your mind made up, click here now.

What do you get for your money with 3 Day Life Makeover?


So, the 3 Day Life Makeover is described as a ‘life design school’. It’s all about determining what it is you actually want, and then creating a strategic step-by-step system that’ll have you consistently and easily moving towards your goals. And we have to say, T. Harv Eker certainly knows how to teach you the way to do this.

The course is broken down into 3 x 90 minute webinars that take place over three consecutive days. During these you’ll learn exactly how to:

  • Become crystal clear on exactly what it is that would make you happy: This first step is crucial – and not, for many, that easy to do. Many of us are influenced by what other people want us to do or achieve, not what we truly long for. This stage involves digging deep inside yourself to become clear on what would really be your ‘ultimate’ life.
  • Learn the simple 8-step process: That you can then use to create the actual life and happiness you yearn for.
  • Understand why you struggle to achieve your goals: All of us have hidden blocks that stop us getting what we really want. The course will allow you to identify and address these challenges, allowing you to move forward and truly get what you want out of each and every aspect of life.
  • Tap into an unlimited source of passion: That’ll see you striking towards those goals. Passion is the drive to make the changes you need, and the 3 Day Life Makeover will show you how to find that source of energy.
  • Take action consistently: Amazingly, most of us unwittingly sabotage our own success when creating plans. Learn how and why we do this, and what you need to change in order to consistently move towards your dream life.
  • Keep your commitments: No matter what… You’ll learn how to train yourself to keep your commitments to yourself. This in turn will boost your confidence and ensure you continue to make steady progress forward.
  • Discover exactly how to create your ideal life: No matter what stage you’re at right now. Perhaps your whole life needs a makeover – or maybe just some areas of it. Whatever your personal situation, the 3 Day Life Makeover will give you the answers – and give you the very steps you need to follow to get your ultimate dream life.

These webinars are hosted by T. Harv Eker himself, and take place with other students from around the world – so you can be sure of plenty of interaction.

Who is 3 Day Life Makeover for?

Well, who doesn’t want to live their ultimate life…? And the very fact that you’re looking at a life coaching program shows that you’re not yet living the life you crave. The 3 Day Life Makeover is something that every single person on the planet can learn from. Young or old, male or female, happy or unhappy, healthy or sick… It doesn’t matter. Because the most wonderful aspect of the 3 Day Life Makeover is that you’ll discover strategies that are personal to you, and you alone.

In addition, the plan you’ll learn how to create for yourself can be applied and re-applied throughout your life. Every time something changes, head back to your 8-step plan and follow it through to its satisfactory conclusion.

>> Ready To Get T Harv Eker’s 3 Day Life Makeover Program?  Click Here Now For A Special Deal <<

Who the heck is T. Harv Eker?

t harv eker 3 day life makeoverEker is one of the world’s leading life coaches, with students on every continent. He’s the author of many best-selling books, including Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind. He’s the founder and creator of Peak Potentials – one of the fastest growing and well respected personal development companies in the US, and has created several highly acclaimed courses that teach his life methods to his ever-growing legion of students.

Eker is also tantamount proof that his methods work, living a life most of us only dream about. Following the very same system that you learn in the 3 Day Life Makeover, he went from flat broke to millionaire in only 2 and a half years.

The Pros and Cons of 3 Day Life Makeover

The Pros

  • The course is easy to follow, and the methods, once learnt, are customizable to be used throughout all the stages of your life.
  • 3 Day Life Makeover is your key to living the ‘ultimate’ life. Not simply a good life, but one that fulfils you in every aspect. This means being in the best health, achieving the goals that make YOU happy and content, having the best relationships with loved ones, getting that job or employment opportunity that you yearn for, having enough leisure time… In short, living the dream in every single area of your life.
  • You carry out the course from the comfort of your own home, via webinar. These webinars, whilst they are live in the fact that other students have joined, are pre-recorded by T. Harv Eker. This means that if for some reason you can’t join at the scheduled time, it’s possible to watch at a different time that’s convenient to you.
  • Discover the scientific principles that mean you can make massive changes for the better in your life, in a really short time.

The Cons3 day life makeover guarantee

  • Well, if there has to be a ‘con’, it’ll be that you can’t see how on earth a simple 3 day course can teach you how to live the life you only dream of. Or if you think ‘life coaching’ is only for those who’ve lost their way. Because nothing could be further from the truth. The 3 Day Makeover is a blueprint for each and every one of us to reach our ultimate goals. After all, life is here to be lived, and we all deserve to be truly happy. And, if we’re honest, we could all do with a little helping hand along the way, couldn’t we…?

The Bottom Line

You know, we’re not often wrong, but in the case of the 3 Day Makeover, we really, really were. And it just goes to show that you shouldn’t let past bias influence the here and now. Because T. Harv Eker’s 3 Day Life Makeover really is something to shout about. It’s no wonder he’s got millions of satisfied customers around the world, because he just ‘gets’ it.

This course is an awesome way to reap the benefits of the guy’s amazing talent to show each and every one of us how to reach the pinnacle that we all deserve – living the ultimate life. And you don’t even need to take our word that this is a great buy, because it comes with a no-questions asked, prompt, 100% money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied.

In a nutshell, the 3 Day Life Makeover really is aptly named. And it certainly gets the thumbs up from us, that’s for sure.

>>Click Here To Get T Harv Eker’s 3 Day Life Makeover at The Best Deal Available Now<<


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