EverWebinar Review – Is Andy Jenkins & Mike Filsaime’s Program Good?

An Affordable, Automated Program That Means You Can Connect With Your Audience In A Personalized Webinar Over And Over Again – And Each Time It Appears Live With No Effort On Your Behalf! Not Possible, We Hear You Say… (And Guess What – So Did We!)

The thing about Internet Marketing is that to be successful, you have to be ahead of the game.  And if you’re reading this, you’re probably already hosting successful live webinars – you don’t need us to tell you about the high converting ability of such a marketing tool.  But, and it has to be said, these are pretty hard work.  It’s a challenge to ensure that every webinar you host is of the super high level it needs to be, and to personalize each one to your target audience.everwebinar review

Enter EverWebinar – developed by marketing geniuses, Mark Filsaime and Andy Jenkins – a product specifically designed to automate your webinar efforts, AND, be affordable to everyone.

Hmmmm, we hear you saying (echoed by us, make no mistake).  Is this simply another clever tool that’s designed to make it’s creators rich, rather than those who use it?  Of course, there was nothing else for it but to jump headfirst into EverWebinar, and find out exactly what it’s all about – no stone unturned.  Below is what we discovered.  And even if we say so ourselves, it certainly makes for interesting reading…

What do you get for your money with EverWebinar?


So, what EverWebinar is, is a simple tool designed to totally automate your webinar marketing.  Using such a product means that you can record your webinar at your own convenience, and then literally ‘play it on demand’ for your audience – multiple different time zones, as many times per day or week that you wish.

Benefit from the following:

  • One click setup:  the program is build with direct integration with WebinarJam Studio – a proven excellent platform to host your webinar.  You can also convert live webinars to automated, using past webinars to host these new, automated versions. 
  • Advances scheduling system:  Set up your promotion for monthly, weekly or daily webinars.  Select specific time zones and days that work for your audience, and have the ability to block out public holidays if necessary.
  •  Set up pages in minutes: Use the built in registration and thank you page builder and split test designs to ensure you always get the highest converting pages in front of your audience.
  • Edit, remove, import, and add custom chat:  And play back in real time, so when you ask a question, the chat will flood with everyone answering.
  • In-depth analytics and tracking integration: Connect you audience pixels, Google Analytics, custom tracking pixels and Facebook tracking to understand the exact results of your advertising efforts.
  • Name any auto responder:  Integrate your webinar with all the top email marketing platforms, meaning you not only get leads for the webinar, but for your other marketing efforts too!

And lots, lots more – far too much for us to be able to include in this short EverWebinar review…

everwebinar setup

Who is EverWebinar for?

Are you an Internet Marketer?  Then it’s plain and simple, this product is for you.  You may well already be using such a product (and we bet you’re paying far more for it than EverWebinar will cost you).  That’s the great thing about Mark Filsaime and Andy Jenkins products – they make them affordable enough for everyone to take advantage of, and they actually work!  Without any of the annoying technical glitches that many seemingly similar products see to have…

>> Click Here To Try EverWebinar Free Now<<

Who are Mark Filsaime and Andy Jenkins?

These guys are up there in the royalty of Internet Marketing.  Mike founded the Evergreen Business System and together they founded WebinarJam – two awesome products that have helped hundreds of thousands of Internet Marketers make a lot of money!  These guys are way ahead of the game, testing out and improving all the steps that need to be taken to remain at the top of their field.  And the great thing is that once they discover them, they find a way of automating them and creating a product that everyone can take advantage of.

The Pros and Cons of EverWebinar

The Pros

  • EverWebinar is so, so simple to use.  Forget needing a PhD in technology to be able to work it.  If you’re successfully marketing online, you’re going to have all the necessary skills to be able to integrate EverWebinar into your arsenal of tools in just a few simple clicks.
  • The automated webinars created by the tool are impossible to differentiate from live webinars. 
  • The program automates with all major autoresponders.  This means you can continue to build your list of emails with all the traffic that arrives at your landing pages.
  • Even though the webinar is automated, you can still monitor and reply to the chat that comes through.  And you can even allow staff members to use the chat feature to communicate with your audience in real time.

>> Click Here To Try EverWebinar Free <<

The Cons

  • Okay, so you still have to do the work to put your webinar together if you need to create it from Money Back Guaranteescratch.  But thanks to the host of superb page builders and integration to all other tools, this means you can create your webinar in the fastest possible time ever..  And then once it’s done, you can head out and do something you really enjoy (the beach, play golf, dinner – or simply work on more marketing to keep the money rolling in….)

The Bottom Line

Listen – we’re probably the most cynical minds on the planet when it comes to Internet Marketing tools.  And despite EverWebinar being produced by two guys we respect, we were still slightly doubtful about whether this product was worth the money.  But our doubts certainly have been proven unfounded, because this tool is AWESOME!

And guess what?  You don’t even need to take our word for it.  Because EverWebinar comes with a 30 day, no-questions asked, 100% money back guarantee – making trying it out a completely no-risk strategy.  We love it, and think you will too.  And if you’re looking for higher conversions (and who isn’t?), then this could well be the tool that’ll help you start making the kind of money you know your efforts deserve.  Well done Mike and Andy – another top product from you.  In a nutshell, EverWebinar rocks…!

>> Click Here To Try EverWebinar Free For 60 Days <<

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